Society is ruled by a curfew and if you're out past your curfew shadow people catch you and punish you.
Dreams about being caught breaking rules or facing consequences often reflect feelings of guilt, fear, or a sense of being controlled in waking life. In this dream, the curfew symbolizes rules or restrictions imposed by society, and being caught by shadow people could represent feeling judged or punished for stepping outside these boundaries.
This dream could indicate that you are feeling restricted or oppressed in some aspect of your life, whether it be from societal expectations, personal limitations, or self-imposed restrictions. It may be a reflection of your fear of not conforming to norms or facing consequences for breaking rules.
Consider reflecting on what specific rules or limitations in your life might be affecting you and causing these feelings. It could be beneficial to explore where these feelings are coming from and if there are any changes you can make to feel more free and empowered.